Head Lice Prevention is the Best Head Lice Treatment

Head Lice Prevention is the Best Head Lice Treatment


Avoid head-to-head (or hair-to-hair) contact with other people to the best of your ability. This includes contact during play or other activities at school, home, camp, sports activities, etc. It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop your child from interacting with other children, so simply educate your child on why head-to-head contact may bring a lice infestation. Basically, encourage your child to hug a little less, take fewer “selfies,”and follow these other steps closely.

Never share hair brushes, combs, clothing, hair ties, hats, scarves, or towels. Disinfect brushes and combs by soaking them in hot water (130 degrees or hotter) for 10 to 15 minutes. In the case of clothing, washing in hot water is best and dry on HOT for about 30 minutes. There is ABSOLUTELY no need to go crazy cleaning your house. Just think of what the infested person’s head has come in direct contact with in the last 24 hours (preceding professional treatment) and clean the clothing, bedding and hair accessories accordingly.

Keep longer hair tied back tight in a high ponytail, braid, bun or pigtails. It won’t completely stop lice from going to the child’s head, but lice can only travel from hair-to-hair by crawling. With less flyaway hairs to grab onto, there is less of a chance for an infestation. It takes only ONE live bug transfer to successfully start a new infestation.
For certified head lice removal and prevention, see Cac Stiner at The Lice Boutique™, centrally located on the Treasure Coast in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

The Lice Boutique™ removes head lice without pesticides or harsh chemicals. Lice removal treatment leaves you lice free and nit free. Guaranteed. 844-363-5423

The Lice Boutique™
8715 S. US Highway 1
Port St. Lucie FL 34952

Author: Cac Stiner, The Lice Queen
Certified in Lice Removal