Prime-Time Television And Its Misrepresentation Of Head Lice Treatment-A Critique Of ‘Trophy Wife’

Prime-Time Television And Its Misrepresentation Of Head Lice Treatment: A Critique Of ‘Trophy Wife’ ‘Trophy Wife’ is a television show about a man, Pete, who has three children (Hillary, Warren, and Bert). Pete has just married a young woman named Kate. The story centers around Pete and Kate’s relationship with…

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Head Lice Prevention-The Six Best Ways to Prevent a Head Lice Infestation

  Head Lice Prevention: The Six Best Ways to Prevent a Head Lice Infestation Avoid head-to-head (or hair-to-hair) contact with other people to the best of your ability. This includes contact during play or other activities at school, home, camp, sports activities etc. It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop your child…

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The Trouble With Head Lice Home Remedies- Why They Don’t Work Against Super Lice

The Trouble With Head Lice Home Remedies- Why They Don’t Work Against Super Lice What are Head Lice? Before I get into the home remedies, here is a quick biography on the bugs themselves. Head lice are small, ectoparasites that live solely on humans. They do not infest pets or…

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The Lice Boutique Opens in Port St. Lucie

PORT ST. LUCIE – A certified head lice removal location serving Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties, is now open at 6839 S. U.S. 1, Port St. Lucie. Offered at The Lice Boutique, founded by Cathy Stiner, is one nontoxic treatment. Stiner is certified in the Shepherd Method of…

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