Boutique Offers Solution to Pesky Problem

Boutique Offers Solution to Pesky Problem

They are words any parents would rather not hear, “Your child has lice.”

The pesky problem can not only be embarrassing for a child in school, it can cause itching and discomfort, and if left untreated, can spread throughout a household, leaving all members itching their scalp.

However, there is a new option in Port St. Lucie that can alleviate the problem of lice and their eggs, commonly referred to as nits.

“Lice and nits is the number one reason for absenteeism in schools,” said The Lice Boutique’s owner and
certified lice remover, Cac Stiner. “The only way to completely remove lice from a head is to go strand by strand. That’s what we do. We practice the Shepard Method, which is a
certified way to remove the lice. There are so many wives tales out there and people really don’t know the facts about lice. We want to educate the public and let them know
what they can do to prevent the spread of lice and how to remove them safely.”

Ms. Stiner found herself facing the problem of lice when her daughter came back from college.

“My daughter came home with lice,” Ms. Stiner said. “The only place that helped with the problem was theLice Solutions in West Palm Beach. The clinic is run by Katie Shepard and that chance meeting changed my life.”

Ms. Stiner found out while at the clinic in West Palm Beach that she too had lice. While undergoing treatment, she spoke with Ms. Shepard and decided that she also wanted to open a lice removal clinic.

“I came home and told my husband that I was going to open a clinic and that’s what I did,” Ms. Stiner said.

Ms. Stiner’s clinic is the only one between West Palm Beach and Orlando. They have treated patients from across the Treasure Coast and Ms. Stiner gives informative speeches to
schools and groups.

“I want the public to be aware of the issue,” Ms. Stiner said. “I’ve seen people putting kerosene onto a child’s head, thinking it may get rid of the lice. It didn’t and the child’s head was burned. There are solutions out there, but not knowing and the stigmas around lice are a big part of the problem.”

Some of the advice Ms. Stiner gives
is to avoid head-to-head (or hair-tohair) contact with other people to the best of your ability. This includes contact during play or other activities at school, home, camp, sports activities etc. It is impossible to stop a child from interacting with other children, so simply educate them on why head-tohead contact may bring a lice infestation.

Do not share hair brushes, combs, clothing, hair ties, hats, scarves, or towels. Disinfect brushes and combs by soaking them in hot water (130degrees or hotter) for five to ten minutes. In the case of clothing, washing in hot water is best and dry on hot for about 30 minutes. There is no need to go crazy cleaning your house, just think of your life in the last 24 hours
and clean the clothing, bedding, and hair accessories accordingly. Keep longer hair tied back tight in a ponytail, braid, bun, or pigtails. It won’t completely stop lice from going
to the child’s head, but lice can only travel from hair-to-hair. With less flyaway hairs to grab onto, there is less of a chance for an infestation. It takes one live bug transfer to successfully start a new infestation.

Lice does not discriminate and can infect any hair type. One of the tell-tale signs of lice is an itchy scalp, however not all of those with lice have that issue. The “itch” is from an allergic reaction to the saliva that the bugs secrete, so if the person is not allergic to the saliva, then there is no itching.

Contrary to popular belief, lice do not jump, or fly, from person to person. They crawl.

“The best defense against lice is education,” Ms. Stiner said. “Although they are troublesome, they are not the end of the world.”

The Lice Boutique
8715 S. USHighway 1
Port St. Lucie FL 34952
For more information regarding
lice, nits and lice removal, visit or call
(844) END-LICE (363-5423).

Boutique Offers Solution to Pesky Problem

Published in: Hometown News Port St. Lucie, FL

Author: By Anna-Marie Menhenott

The Lice Boutique removes head lice without pesticides or harsh chemicals. Lice removal treatment leaves you lice free and nit free. Guaranteed.